Does anyone one else struggle with bras like this?

I have very small boobs. The top part above the nipple is basically non existent. Its flat. Then below the nipple there is a little bit of boob. Basically all of my boob is on the bottom rather than any being on top.

But in a bra it always leaves a gap no matter what, because there is no boob there to fill it. Even with push ups that try to push the bottom part up there still isnt enough to fill the gap?

It doesn't matter what bra size or shape it is either. I have tried them all.

Its annoying as clothes then fall into the gap showing thst its there and it look like i have no boobs. Which I sort of dont but without a bra my chest is completely flat.

I dunno, im 24 and want to be womanly and it just makes me depressed that I never will be able to wear a proper fitting bra.

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