♡Jaxon's Birth Story♡

♡ LaLa♡

♡ So we came in for our induction @ 8pm like we were supposed to. Right after I walked into the Birth Place 4 women in active labor came in behind me. Since I was an elective induction obviously I got bumped because the women in labor needed help before me. The midwife that was gonna deliver me came in and told me that they'd have to hold off from my induction till the next morning, Oct. 5th. So my husband and I got to enjoy a complimentary little night vaca in the hospital lol. The next morning a new midwife comes in and starts to tell me that the whole floor is booked and they need to have rooms available in case another woman comes in in active labor. She told me I could come back Monday if I wanted. I told her the only problem with that is I have a sitter for all my kids and if I came back Monday I wasn't too sure I'd have a sitter by then. So she went to talk to her Team Head Nurse and explained my situation to her. She came back and told me wed be doing the induction that day, starting it right then. I was given 25 mgs of Cytotec which didn't do anything but cause cramping. I was allowed to walk the hall so I did. My water immediately broke not even 5 mins into walking. So back to the bed I go. Then I was given Pitocin and that almost immediately kicked shit into gear. I had a balloon put in to help my cervix thin out and an hr later it fell out meaning I was 4cms dilated. That's when contractions really started going. I got the epidural and neither the baby nor I handled it well. My blood pressure dropped deathly low and I was given medicine four times to get my BP back to normal. His heart rate kept dropping very low and they started to freak. They couldn't get him on the monitors with the belly bands. So he had a fetal scalp monitor placed, I also had Foley bulb placed so my bladder would be empty to help him come down, and I got an internal contraction monitor placed on my uterus. Jaxon Joseph David Brooks was born at 10:44pm weighing 8 lbs, 10ozs, and 20 inches long!!! His daddy and I are so in love!!