lengthy but sweet!


I tend to get excited about things long before my husband ever even shows a sign of excitement. (am I the only one!? surely not!) When we were dating I was planning our wedding years before the proposal. (childhood sweethearts, I promise I'm no creep!) We have been married a year now and have been TTC about a month and a half. But basically every AF that visited in the last 6 months I thought I had to of been pregnant! aaaaand then was crushed when I wasn't. Well we have been trying this out and I've been dedicating my whole life to it. (give me the babies!!!!!!) Meanwhile my husband and I have only really had a couple moments where I knew he was (almost) as excited as I am. So last night as we laid in bed after a great BD 😉 I informed him that AF is due 10/7 and he got super quiet... Thats when I looked up at him and I knew. I said "you dont want me to go on my period either, do you?" and he said "no" and it was just a really sweet moment. Because, I know he wants this, but his biggest struggle is "are we ready" and that told me that he thinks we are!! Now to avoid that AF!