Lexie Rose flies into at 37 weeks


So the last 2.5 weeks have been an absolute worry..

On 16th sept (34+2) I was admitted to hospital with reduced movements.. her heart rate kept dipping so I was told that I should prepare myself for delivery the next day.

However sunday came along and the set of steroids I was given had already kicked in and help boost and maintain her heart rate so I was allowed home as long as I returned 2 weekly for scans and monitoring.

At the next scan they realised that she was measuring super small and that I was to plan for induction at 37 weeks..

So that leads us to 4th Oct..

I attend the hospital at 8pm and get ready to be induced.. unfortunately the Dr was in theatre so I had to wait until 1245am for them to give me their pessary..

Working a few hours I was begging to get a few niggling pains.. at 7am I was having regular contractions but the midwife was sure I wasn’t in labour.. at 11am I insisted on the fact that I needed extra pain relief as the pain was too much to cope with.. the midwife doodled about at 1120 I then called for her again saying that I needed to push and she basically just laughed at me.. a few cross words later I told her that I was going to push and literally boom one push her head and waters pop out and then her body!!

Unfortunately due to the shock she was rushed to be resuscitated and then I had the emergency button pulled due to heavy bleeding!

After half hour we were both back together..

Our little girl Lexie Rose was born 5th October 2017 at 11:38am weighing a tiny 4lb 12oz xx