TTC and yeast infection?

Jessica • With my boo 13 years. 10.18.19 💙 2.20.23 👼🏻

So, my hubs and I just started TTC last month. I'm currently in my fertile week and according to glow should ovulate tomorrow. We did the BD Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday so far...which is more than usual. Now I'm thinking I have a yeast infection. I started feeling the discomfort this morning. I have only ever had one and that was at least 7 years ago so this isn't a common thing for me...

Any thoughts on why I may have gotten one? I'm wondering if sex caused it or what. Also, would it be a bad idea to use something to get rid of it? Would that interfere with TTC? I'm really bummed this might mess up our chances this month!

Any help, thoughts, opinions, personal experiences are much appreciated!!