My mother is insane


Everything is always about her. No one else is ever allowed to have problems.

I had my SO arrested for domestic abuse. When he got out, he took our working car and emptied our bank account. We have a son together that goes to a cardiologist, speech therapy, and physical therapy on a regular basis. I called my dad crying, asking him to come down to help me out (he lives 7 hours away). My mother is bipolar, and has BPD. No one can talk about anything negative around her without her FREAKING OUT. So of course I just wanted my dad. She threw such a bitch fit when my dad told her she couldn't come down with him. She actually ended up cutting herself over it!!! The whole time he was here, she was constantly calling my dad telling him that "she NEEDS him home" and that "Sam is fine, she doesn't need you like I need you". I know this, because she was yelling at him so loudly that I could hear her while he was on the phone. After a week of him being here, he tells me that he has to go back. I was broke, had no car, no babysitter. I needed help, and I'm not one to ask for help unless I really need it. I didn't put up a fight. Clearly she was going to make everything about her. Fast forward a month. I'm moving into my sister's mother in law suite. She lives in the same town my parents live in. So I call my dad to ask him if he could come down, help me pack, drive the box truck I'm renting, and I'd follow him in his car with my kids and dogs. Now I'm in the same situation. My mom is insisting on coming down with him. Even though I don't want her here. She "can't live without" my dad. She has never been a mother to me. Come to find out that my dad only stayed with her when I was a kid because he couldn't leave me alone with her. He told me she almost killed me when I was a kid during one of her "fits". She took down a book shelf that I was standing by and apparently he got me out of the way right before it hit me. He said I was only 3-4. I just can't take her shit anymore!! She is so crazy and refuses to get her meds adjusted. She doesn't think there's anything wring with her, even though half the family refuses to speak to her anymore.

Is it wrong of me to cut her out of my life?