Early arrival!!!!


Mackenzie Marie was born on 9/21/2017 at 9:23am weighing 6lbs 7oz and measuring 19 3/4inches long at 36 +3. I had an appointment with my midwife on 9/20 at 7pm, I got home and helped my husband put my stepkids to bed and cleaned up the kitchen from dinner. We sit down to watch Ray Donovan and I start having some small contractions, no big deal, just Braxton hicks, I think to myself. As the night goes on the contractions get stronger but I'm still able to talk through them and walk around without difficulty. I try to go to bed but now the contractions are closer together and stronger, finally at 2am I give in and call the midwife on call. Since my contractions were about 5 minutes apart and lasting a minute or so she tells me to come in. I immediately wake up my husband and he jumps up to take me to the hospital, only for us to realize we have no one to stay with the kids. Yes we had a plan but we still had 4 weeks!! This wasn't supposed to happen yet!! I drive myself to the hospital (yes I know I'm crazy) thinking that the contractions will stop and they'll send me home. I get hooked up to the monitor and the contractions are literally off the chart. the midwife comes in to do an exam and tells me I'm at 5cm!!! 5!!!! I call my husband right away, my parents, everyone who needed to be notified got a call. We started calling friends to have someone go to the house for the kids but of course at 3am no one is answering their phones. I get my epidural by 330 and by 430 I'm feeling nothing. My dad and stepmom get to the hospital around 545 and my dad went to pick up my husband and the kids since there was no one to go stay with them. Every contraction I have the baby's heartrate drops so they keep making me change positions, which with numb legs is no easy task. By 630 (ish) I'm at 8cm so now it's only a matter of time. My water broke in the middle of a contraction at 825am and I was at 10cm by then so it was time to start pushing!! I start to push and my midwife realizes the baby isn't in the correct position, she's turned to the side and she's "feeling something odd", 2 more doctors come in to see if they can figure out what it is. Turns out it was her ear!! She was to the side and her head was slightly turned so her little ear was bent and that's what 3 doctors felt. Once my midwife got her in the correct position it was time to push again....10 pushes later my girl came out screaming at the top of her lungs!! We are so in love with her and are so blessed to be her parents. 😍😍