I'm just going to be blunt and straight to the point...a co-worker of mine who is pregnant said it happened off of pre-cum during their first time. I can't remember the last time me and my boyfriend of 8 years know....bc I'm in nursing school (graduate in May woot woot) therefore I'm not usually up for it. But after she told me that I've been freaking out ever since. I've taken pregnancy tests (that were negative) and my period last month (sept 21st) only lasted ONE day.... Ive been feeling bloated a good bit this week and I'm breaking out like I would before my period but it isn't supposed to come for another 2 weeks. Y'all please tell me I'm not pregnant, please tell me and make me feel better. I'm about to drive myself crazy. I haven't had any of the breast soreness just the bloated feeling. Omg please help