Help me short mamas!!

Allyson • 💖 1/18/17 💖 12/13/20

I’m 5”3 on a tall day and I’m really struggling with being able to put my daughter into her crib without waking her up. Her crib is lowered all the way down and she can pull herself up, I watched her climb up the bars once. 😱

If I’m on my tippy toes and leaning all the way over the rail I still can’t reach without basically making her free fall to the mattress. It wakes her up every single time. I’ve tried a step stool but then I’m still really far from the mattress. 😩 My sweet husband is nice enough to help me at night when I get her to sleep, but she wakes up and cries when he puts her to bed too.

Any tips?? I’d just like her to stay asleep!!!