family problem

So my boyfriend of over a year has a cousin who is my age. We used to be good friends but when I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me on snapchat not in person, she blamed me. And well, we have nevee been as close as we were before. She recently had become really fake and selfish. She only talks to my boyfriend or I if she wants something or has something to talk about that inolves herself. A person vandalised my car onw night and so i texted him about it bc i didnt know what to do, and he hadnt replied for 5 minutes then he was like sorry *name of cousin* called me crying about how so and so said something that set her off. Like she only goes to him when she wants something. And he literally drops me for her even though he finds her annoying. He knows i dont like it, yet he doesn't seem to care. Should I let it go and let him ditch me for her? Should I nor care?