postpartum symptoms or tumor?

So, I've been getting bad cramps that start from my lower abdomen sides and travel up a little above my belly button. really sharp, strong painful blehh. I've also been getting bad headaches that start as a tingle on the top of my head and turn into a sharp pain on the side and top of my head, sometimes travels to the back, but hurts on one side at a time only. I get nauseous and feel like throwing up all the time even sensitive to strong smells. And i get dizzy sometimes. I am almost 4 months postpartum and i heard about the cramping and headaches being normal especially if an epidural was given? (idk just what i heard, but i get told 30 different things everyday) and dizziness and headaches were supposedly because my body is still all wacky from having a baby, buuut i have a tumor in my pituitary gland and the headaches, nausea and dizziness were normal everyday things until i got pregnant and those things went away. just trying to figure out if these things are all postpartum symptoms or justtumorthings.

also, throat is currently burning after throwing up 👍🏻

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