💗Baby Coon💗 • *NewLy EnGageD*💍 MoM to 2 boys (4&3) an 1 boy in heaven😇

ok so apparently if you ovulate late your period will be late.. I've seen several posts lately where it is apparent not everyone is familiar with the fact that the reason your period shows up late is because you ovulated later in your cycle. This was news to me when I started TTC so I wanted


help spread the word for those who may not know yet!

Your luteal phase is the time between your ovulation and your period. Anywhere between 10-14 is considered in the range of normal. Anything shorter is called a luteal phase defect, and there are things you can do to make it longer. Each cycle, your luteal phase stays the same. So if you ovulate a week later than normal in your cycle, your period will show up a week later than normal too.

If you are serious about getting pregnant and have tried a few cycles without luck, it's SO helpful to chart your Basal Body Temperature to find out exactly the day you ovulate so that you can start figuring out how long your luteal phase is to see if there is a defect, to make sure you DO ovulate, and to know when you can start to ease off on BDing. I also recommend as do a lot of others the Clearblue advanced digital OPKs. It will show you a flashing smiley when you are getting close to ovulation, and a solid smiley 24-48 hours before you ovulate. 

Doing either or both of those things will take so much pressure off wondering if you BD'd on time AND will help give you a heads up when to expect your period. That way, if you ovulate late, you won't get your hopes up when your period is late. 

Hope this helps, ladies!!!