cant seem to get preggers


my husband and I have been trying for 2 1/2 years to get pregnant, we've done everything we can think of. we are both really healthy and as far as we know were both fertile. I got off birth control almost three years ago, and nothing... I take a b-complex, maca root and vitex everyday, the only thing I've noticed is that my cycle has gone from 28 to 31 days and its SUPER light... we've tried the foods, we've tried the sex everyday for a.month we've tried sex only during my fw and all the old wives tales... I'm so tired of trying... has anyone done anything they absolutely swear by to get pregnant? I'd seriously sell an organ on the black market to get pregnant lol and yes sex is always amazing and enjoyable so I know its not a chore that we constantly think about! I'm seriously at my end where I want to just be dontrying all together