Need some support πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

Harmony β€’ KY girl, married to my BFF/soul mate, mom 4/24/03, 6/7/07, 11/1/10, 10/7/15, angel baby 4/28/17, rainbow baby 8/8/18

I am having a rough day. Back in January of this year my husband and I found out we were pregnant. We were both shocked as we were actually trying not to get pregnant since we felt our family was complete with a housefull of 4 kids. We finally accepted it a month later and went for our first ultrasound at 16 weeks. I don't remember a lot about that day because the world slowed down that day. We found out that our baby was sick. At that time we had no idea what we were having and we wanted it to be a surprise. All we knew at the time was that our baby had an overfull bladder and could not empty it and there was very little fluid around baby. We were given a choice to terminate or fight so we started fighting. We went treatment after painful treatment to empty baby's bladder

and put fluid around baby, we also went to multiple specialists and had multiple tests. In late April, at 24 weeks, we received the worst news. I had developed an infection in my uterus. The doctors were forced to induce labor to save my life or risk losing me and the baby. The doctors gave my baby a zero chance of survival because of all the issues. At 3:45 am on Friday the 24th of April, my baby was born. We had a girl, we named her Skyelar Laine Anne and she lived for 45 minutes surrounded by love. We miss her deeply and our family now feels incomplete. My husband and I have now been ttc for about 5 months now and every BFN feels like I've lost her again. I'm hoping that the angel walk this weekend gives me strength and I can can finally get my BFP.