I Feel Alone in this..

Dominique🌹 • 25.🌷 Mama to a beautiful baby boy ❤👶🏼

My boyfriend's state of mind is that it'll happen when it'll happen. But with that comes the fact that he's not changing anything to his life style. (Except the fact that we have more sex and he tells me to keep my legs in the air when we finish.) He continues to have his one or two beers everyday. He's not looking up anything to learn about conceiving. The only thing that is good to know for him is when I'm ovulating. That's it. Anything I tell him, he doesn't take it seriously. He thinks I'm in over my head with the baby making when in fact, I just want to educate myself. I feel alone on this. Isn't it supposed to take 2 people to make a baby? I understand that he just doesn't want to pressure himself but I just don't feel any support and I feel like I cannot talk about babies without him thinking I'm going crazy. Do you guys have advise for me? Have you ever experience something like this?