6 Days Late, 2 Negative Tests, Lots of Symptoms


Okay ladies, I need some advice. I am 6 days late for my period. Every once in a while I am a few days late/early, but never by 6 days. I have had some stress, which I know can affect your period. However, it is not more than is typical for me.

I typically use ovulation/period tracking, withdrawal and/or condoms. I know that isn’t the most reliable form of birth control. I can’t use other forms of birth control because they make me sick or crazy, I’ve tried many. 😜

We are trying to wait for a baby because my husband and I are full time college students. Despite my baby fever. 😊👶🏼

I’m not very “cycle lingo” savvy, but I’ll do my best. My typical cycle is 30 days and my last period started September 2nd. We had sex 3 times around my ovulation using condoms. Silly me didn’t note the exact dates. I took a test at 4 days late (cycle day 34), and I took one first thing this morning (6 days late- cycle day 36)- both were negative.

However, I have had an abundance of symptoms, that may or may not be pregnancy related, over the last week. Yet, they’re way out of the norm for me. Sorry for any TMIs.

I’ve been more tired than usual, nauseated (especially with smells, foods, and gross sights), forgetful, difficulty concentrating, dizzy (when I get up, and even scrolling through my phone), mild low back ache, more than typical mild smelling clear/white discharge, so much gas and belching, some acid reflux, slight cramps and tenderness in my pelvic region, shaky, a little hungrier than usual, an increased libido (maybe because my region has been feeling really tingly), tender armpit lymph nodes, my bras and pants are fitting the slightest bit tighter, pressure at my rectum, increase in urination, tender nipples, I’ve been needy and moody (poor hubs), as well as feeling very hot (almost feverish). I also had 1 drop of blood when wiping 1 day before my period.

I know I could have a blood test done, but even with my insurance, that costs more 💰 than I can spend right now.

So, after this novel of a post (thanks for hanging in there):

Has anyone been pregnant with negative results 6 or more days after their missed period? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Or maybe these symptoms are from being sick?

I just “feel pregnant”. I also feel a little crazy because these home pregnancy tests (HPTs) are supposed to be so accurate within days of your missed period. (I am using dollar store pregnancy tests because they’re what we can afford, people say they’re just as accurate).

Could it be in my head? Or could it be possible that I’m pregnant, just impatient? 🤰🏼