10 weeks today

Mel • First time momma. Holistic approaches. Figuring it all out. Excited to meet my little dove

Ten weeks today! Woo hoo! Sometimes it still doesn’t feel real yet. I woke up today less bloated and not showing like I was the last couple days.


The only thing reminding me currently there’s a baby in there are my boobs growing tenderly and I now cannot go through a full night of sleep without having to use the bathroom! Yay! 😐

And of course my sensitivity is up the roof, & food cravings,

My face has been breaking out less and my food cravings are still there. It’s strange how I ate healthy before the pregnancy and suddenly I was pregnant and my body was like forget all that healthy stuff, give me carbs!!

It’s been a little mentally challenging to remind myself to choose the right foods especially at this important stage in the babies life.

Me and my partner have both decided to reduce the amount of ultrasounds done on the baby and keep it at two total. One in the first trimester to make sure it’s a normal pregnancy and one in the second to make sure all the limbs have formed properly.

We have taken a pretty holistic approach on everything and found a holistic obgyn to help us with everything.

Are there any other holistic mamas out there that have take different approaches to their pregnancy? I’d love to hear