Sick kids rant

Yes this is going to be a rant, at the moms that think it’s acceptable to bring your sick children to the park or school.

I took my 17 month old daughter to the park on Saturday, while I was there I noticed a very sick girl, I would guess she was about 6. She was running around, sneezing on everything (not covering her nose or mouth) and had a very deep phlegm cough. Right away I looked around to see where her mother was, it was no surprise the girls mother was sitting on a bench with her eyes glued to her phone not paying any attention. I decided to only stay about 15 minutes because of this girl running around and touching everything, after all my daughter had been looking forward to the park all day. When we got in the car I wiped my daughters hands off, and gave her a bath when we got home.

The next morning the sneezing started, and throughout the day progressed into a full on cold, with a 101 fever . My daughter currently has her molars coming in as well, so she has been cranky. My night was filled with crying, fever, choking on snot, sleeping in a rocking chair with her, and trying to suction her nose.

I am completely exhausted!! I’ve been dealing with all day morning sickness for weeks now, I’m currently 9 weeks pregnant, so this was the last thing Me or my family needed right now

My poor baby is having such a terrible time, all due to one inconsiderate mother. If your child is sick, they NEED to be home. Just because you don’t think twice when your kid gets sick, doesn’t mean everyone else has to pay. Your kid my get over colds quickly, but that doesn’t mean other children that catch your child’s cold will . Other children have weaker immune systems because of their age, health, exc. Ugh JUST KEEP YOUR SICK KIDS HOME, AND AWAY FROM EVERYONE ELSE !!