

I took Clomid on 9/25 for 5 days. According to my apps my fertile week was last week and I was supposed to ovulate around Friday or Saturday. However, my CM and Cervix position would indicate I ovulated around Wednesday or Thursday. I have been using the CBFM and OPKs and the OPKs never got a true positive but close and my CBFM was has read High since CD7. My LH line on the sticks completely disappeared from Thursday on. Yesterday my estrogen line on the CBFM was super light and the LH line was barely there. Today same thing. I have had horrible cramps and pain in my lower abdomen, and bad back aches too. My cervix is now low and hard and my vagina feels tight and swollen (sorry tmi) and my CM is white, creamy, and sticky. I just took another OPK without FMU and the LH line is faint. Could I have not ovulated yet? I'm not temping so I don't really have a way of knowing 😩