So frustrated with doctors....


I’ve never had a good experience with a doctor. I feel like none of them care and they are a waste of my time! I’ve been seeing a doctor for a year about irregular cycles and ttc and I feel like we have accomplished nothing! She just keeps me coming back every 3 months. And I’ve been ttc for over 3 and a half years, I’m sick of nothing happening. She prescribed me metformin to help regulate my cycles and after almost 5 months it hasn’t done anything. She is finally going to do an ultrasound of my ovaries but I have to wait until the end of November for that. She just blames everything on me over weight even though I’ve never had regular cycles when I was 100+ pounds lighter. She cares nothing about all my hair falling out. My hair use to be so thick it was unmanageable and now it’s so thin you can see my scalp and I for the first time ever got a sunburn on my scalp.

Then today to top it off I had a dermatologist appointment to get some moles checked out. I didn’t expect them to be cancerous but the doctor couldn’t have even been in the room longer than 3 mins and ‘checked’ 4 spots i mentioned and was done with me. She said they look fine and acted like it was stupid of me to even be there and getting checked. I wasn’t in there freaking out I simply was getting them checked because the were changing shapes and colors and even itches.

Every doctor I’ve ever gone to has sucked and it makes me not want to waste my time on going. I live in a small town so for most appointments I have to take off work and drive 30+ mins to a bigger town and for all that and a doctor brush me off really pisses me off.