Fun vs kids? Regrets? Please help!


I'm so sorry I honestly have no idea which room to post this in or even word my question. But my partner and I who have been together 6 years have just started ttc and we have both wanted a family for so long and I can't even begin to describe how happy children make me and I genuinely can't wait and my biggest fear is not being able to have children. But did any of you ever regret having children instead or before travelling or just having simple fun? Or do you still manage to have fun after kids? There's nothing I want more than kids, I am not a party person and have never taken much interest in doing anything but being a mum but lately I've just been wondering if a kid would be the smart choice right now and if we would regret it later on instead of going on holidays and doing things with just the two of us first. Please help, any response would be so appreciated.