Acupressure Induced Labor

Lauren • Baby boy Nate born 10-07-17

So my due date was 10/04 and little man had zero signs of showing up any time soon. My ob visit 2 days before had me at 60% effaced, but zero dilation. I hadn't been feeling any cramps nor had I lost my mucus plug at all. My massage therapist recommended an acupressure massage to try and get things going.

Had the massage done 10/05, one day after due date and labor started the next day. I woke up on 10/06 feeling a little crampy and had my bloody show a few hours later. Contractions started around 12pm, every 7-8 minutes but were very mild. I went to work around 1 and by the time I got home at 5 they were a little uncomfortable. Continued to lose more of my mucus plug through the evening. I ended up finally calling the hospital around 11 pm to see if I should come in because contractions were every 4 minutes apart and lasting for a minute. They weren't causing me to scream out in pain but they definitely hurt.

We got to the hospital and they said I was only 1-2 cm and was in early labor, the triage nurse told me I would likely be like this for days because it was my first baby 😫. So home we went and I had zero sleep that night from being so uncomfortable with the contractions. Woke up the next morning and they were still going strong so my mom and I walked the mall for about 3 hours to try and get things progressing. I kept getting funny stares and had a lot of people asking if I was alright because I was clearly uncomfortable and in labor😂. So we left the mall and went to see my brothers house he is building. That was a good distraction for about an hour but all of a sudden I started getting really strong contractions where I was yelling a bit.

My mom dropped me off at home and I continued to labor at home yelling through the contractions for about an hour. I was so afraid to go back to the hospital only to be sent home again. Finally at 5pm I told my husband it was time, I thought I would die if they didn't admit me. Got to the hospital 30 min later and I was 7cm!! My goal was an unmedicated birth so we walked around the halls for another hour, but they were so painful I started throwing up. Decided to get the epidural because I was afraid of pushing pain plus contraction pain. As soon as the epidural was placed my ob checked me and it was time to push! Only 90 min after we arrived. Pushed for 10 min and this little guy was out!!

I have a pretty big tear and am SO uncomfortable from it, but trying to stay off the pain meds they gave me because they make me drowsy. Other than that everything is going great at home, we are having to supplement with formula after feedings because I'm not producing enough yet but hoping that picks up soon.

Long story short, definitely try the acupressure massage!!