In laws are being ridiculous!


Sorry, I just need to rant a little bit. Three weeks ago, hubby and I went on holidays. While we were away he asked his brother to come over every few days and keep an eye on our aquarium (feed the fish, top up the water if it's low) and bring in the mail.

This is not the first time we've gone away and hubby has asked him a brother to do this.

We came home from holidays, and my MIL had been coming over as well and had busied herself in my house. While I'm sure she had nice intentions, her actions weren't overly appreciated.

While she came over, she chose to open all of my blinds - which we had specifically left closed because a) we weren't home and b) to help keep the house cool. She took my dish rack (like physically removed it from my house), and replaced it with some gigantic god awful dish rack. I know this might sound stupid but I loved the one I had and it was the perfect size for the two of us.

I let the dog out the morning after we got home, to realized she had done some relandscaping of my backyard. She dug up and replanted my favourite plants, and put new plants in.

She did have really nice intentions in that she picked up some groceries for us - definitely appreciate the thought, however it was a bunch of items we don't buy and wouldn't use. I completely appreciate the intent behind the groceries and don't in any way want to sound like a spoiled brat about it.

Hubby is absolutely furious with all of this. He tells me he's going to ask for our house key back. He packs up everything - dish rack, groceries, plants, and takes everything back to his parents house. Tells them that he appreciates the gestures, but all he wanted was the aquarium taken care of (it wasn't, half of our coral died). They tell him he is disrespectful and ungrateful and slam the door on him.

Hubby comes home, rattled. I tell him to give them a bit of space. He's upset because the slammed the door on him before he could say what he wanted to say. A week goes by, and he decides he wants to send them an email to finish what he had wanted to say. He chose email so that he could get everything out. No response.

He sends a text to his brother. No response. Message doesn't even show as delivered.

This past weekend was thanksgiving in Canada - we hear nothing from his family (I wasn't expecting to hear much from them at this point). Hubby is doodling around on his iPad Saturday night, and realizes that his brother has unfriended him on Facebook. Now thinking about it, I'm fairly certain his brother blocked his cell phone number.

Am I the only one who thinks this is ridiculous and an overreaction on my in laws part? Obviously, I don't know how the conversation went when hubby went over. However, I feel like this is ridiculous and I'm so upset over how they are treating him.

Sorry this is so long, just needed to get this out.