Monster Mother!


So I am 22 years old, I have a job, a partner who also has a job, and we have a baby. My partner and I both support our family of three! Well my mom has ALWAYS dictated my life growing up. Even when I was in college she took my car away from me and left me stranded. She cut me off (that was fine) when I became pregnant. She made my pregnancy terrible. Didn’t let me participate in an organization I’ve been volunteering for since I was 10 because she was the director and said me being pregnant and not married is not a good role model to the girls participating in the pageant. When my child was born she got in a fight with my partner over my hospital bed with me holding my baby and looked at me and said “why don’t you come home with me and take half his paycheck” which of course caused issues for me and him. She dropped the ball on me and refused to come help the two weeks she promised when we got home from the hospital. So I was left all alone with a newborn and recovering from my c section unable to drive for two weeks and I was in a lot of pain since it was my first surgery and so my partner had to take off two weeks from work to help. That put us in a bind. She then a week after I gave birth told me I had to pay my car insurance (which my dad was paying (she cheated on him btw and they divorced and she called and told him if he didn’t cut me off she wouldn’t let him see my younger sister)) and my college debt (that she told me I wouldn’t have to pay if I graduate since she had me a college fund that she obviously lied about because I have $10000 in student loans that I had no idea about and so I would have to start paying those (my job laid my off at this point) so she threw a ton of bills at me that I thought was taken care of as long as I graduated. So I had to drop out of college to get a full time job. She does several other things that are just crappy throughout the year. Well our baby’s first birthday was coming up and she begged me to let her help. I told her I needed the center pieces and balloons to be picked up at 11am and be at the place at 12pm since the party started at 1pm.

11:30 I text her asking if she picked it up. She told me no she was running late

12pm I ask where she is at. She told me picking the flowers up she’ll be there in 30 min

12:30pm my grandmother tells me she’s on her way 30 minutes out and she hasn’t picked the flowers up. My Mammie is playing with our baby at the venue. While my mother in law helps set up.

1pm party starts

1:10pm she shows up with the center pieces and balloons the flowers were wrong and I had to redo my centerpieces because I couldn’t put them together with all my guest already at tables.

2:30pm my brother shows up over an hour late with her camera because she forgot it and sent him back so he missed his nieces entire party because we had to be out by 3pm....

I then get pulled over to the side by her telling me my MIL has kept my baby away from her the entire time and wouldn’t let her see her. So she’s mad and storms off. I don’t know what to do so I ask a few family members if my MIL was being mean and not letting them see my baby. They said no they played with her and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. So the next day comes around and I get a text from my mom asking if she can throw my child another birthday party for all of my family. I am livid! Half of My family didn’t show up and she was over 2 hours late! She should have been there on time and maybe she would have got to hold my child. Instead she is just pissy and blames me for everything. Here are the messages. Am I in the wrong or is she?

Also I have to beg my in laws to watch my child once a month. So I have no idea where she thinks they see her all the time. They don’t. I also have a kid and cannot drive 2 hours every single time they want to see us. I beg them to come to us sometimes and they say nevermind. I have also NEVER told them they cannot come. I said last month it would be hard for me to travel 2 hours to see them while im planning the party. I now also have a full time job. So the fact she’s throwing it in my face she works and has my sister to raise is stupid. She had every other weekend off she comes up here for football games so she could drive 15 minutes out of her way to see us! But she doesn’t. Am I wrong for being mad at her and refusing to speak to her now? Like I’m not dignifying those last texts with a response! Oh my aunt had my old number that’s why I didn’t get her text......