I need to vent.

It’s nothing SERIOUS but I just need to vent. Today has been one of the longest friggin days of my life. My daughter was up several times through the night then we ran behind at work which warranted me working an hour and a half late so I finally get home and all I want to do is eat and relax but of course my child care let my daughter nap this evening until I got home at 6:30 so it’s going on 8 and she is no where near ready for bed on top of that I just want to relax and watch Moana with my daughter because my sciatica is KILLING me but nah my husband has to work on shit in the attic RIGHT NOW. So my house is cold because he has the attic door open and all of the furniture is moved so can’t sit down anywhere but the kitchen or my bedroom. But then he starts talking about doing all of this extensive shit so I asked if he was doing it tonight and his response is “no I figured five weeks from now would be good.” I’m about to snap on the next person to cross me. So currently I’m sitting in my kitchen eating a hot ham and cheese while my 11 month old pushes a kitchen chair across the floor and my husband cusses out the guy who lived here before us (he thought he was a handyman but has effed up so much stuff that we have found since moving into this house) and I don’t even care.