Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation



I'm 27+6 pregnant. Baby was diagnosed with severe tricuspid regurgitation. Has anyone experienced this? Looking for some support and personal stories.

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Our baby girl was diagnosed with Ebsteins Anomaly at 19 weeks. It is a heart defect that includes severe tricuspid regurgitation. At diagnosis they gave her a 50/50 shot at making it to delivery. We were told she would need to make it to 35 weeks gestation at least to be considered viable. We had constant monitoring to look out for signs of heart failure. I worried and cried for quite a while. At every appointment I was waiting for the bad news. Then I started to read current research and found some Facebook groups where I could read current stories. I learned quickly that medicine has advanced a lot and that CHD babies defy the odds all of the time. I sit here now, at 38 weeks 1 day, and we are going into the hospital to be induced tomorrow! We still aren’t out of the woods yet, and we’re prepared for the possibility of those 3 open heart surgeries or worse, but so far our daughter has done better than expected and we pray that things will continue to go as smoothly as possible. Keep your head up!! Try to get reliable, true information. And try to read as many positive stories as possible! 💕


Becky • Nov 14, 2017
How are things going? I've been thinking about you and checking in here every day!


Becky • Nov 10, 2017
Where did you find the best stories about the condition? I asked the Drs about what the difference is between our diagnosis and Ebsteins. He said basically nothing. Just the name. Our baby's heart is severely enlarged too, making no room for the lungs. Hope things are going well for you guys.


Becky • Nov 8, 2017
That is great news! Keep up the good work!! It's amazing how these little ones fight through 💪🏻❤️🙏🏻. Keep me posted


Posted at
It's a severe heart defect. The Drs have told us our baby probably won't survive. :( just really looking for some positive support and experiences if anyone has any.


Becky • Oct 18, 2017
Hey there, I posted again asking for experiences. Hope I didn't offend you, I appreciated your response more than you know! I'm just having trouble wrapping my head around 3 OHS and/or not a good outcome 😔


Becky • Oct 16, 2017
Thank you so much for the reply and positive outlook. It's really difficult to be strong and fight through such devastation sometimes.


Posted at
What exactly is it? Never heard of it.