Did my water just break!?🤔


I'm going to call my doctor to see what she thinks but I'm so confused that I had to share on this page!

I had a membrane sweep done yesterday at 38+1. Had some cramping through the day, nothing unbearable. Did some walking with my hubby for a couple hours and bounced on my yoga ball all night. Fast forward to this morning.

My husband decided he was in the mood.. so we had sex, he did his thing, and everything was fine. Since I'm pregnant, I peed like 5 times afterwards and have been trying to fall back asleep since. So here we are two hours later. I got up to change my underwear since the lace on the butt was itching me like crazy and when I lifted my left leg, I could hear a small pop and a huge glob of liquid fell out onto the floor and immediately started running down both of my legs. I read that amniotic fluid is clear and this seemed to be more white in color but also EXTREMELY watery so I'm wondering if my water broke and there was all that extra semen which came on out with it?! TMI but usually after sex for me all of that semen will kinda glob out immediately and is never super watery so two hours later with 5 bathroom trips in between seems kinda wild to me!