First ultrasound 8.6weeks - So happy!!! ❤️

Melanie • 🌈 Baby Gage born May 21, 2018 💙

So just had my first ultrasound. Hubby and I are so happy we are both crying...! We had a miscarriage in June and were both so worried and anxious that something would go wrong again. However, we saw a beautiful dancing lil hippo in my uterus (I think baby looks like an little hippo on its back lol)! Saw the amazing flickering heartbeat, 168bpm. Also saw the yolk sac etc. Our lil hippo is measuring at 8 weeks 6 days (4 days further along than we had thought). Due May 20, 2018.

We are just beside ourselves with pure happiness! We know there is still so long to go and anything could still happen, but we are going to enjoy this beautiful moment to the fullest! ❤️🤰☺️

I have a feeling it's a girl... any thoughts? Not sure how that whole Ramzi theory works? 👶