Hospital Trip #2🤦🏽‍♀️


Last night around 9 my back started hurting really bad i’m 23 weeks 3 i decided to take a warm bath and soak in the tub with my bath salt. It kinda eased the pain but barely..... i was only in for maybe 5 minutes before I started having really bad belly pains. It was the worst...... i called my hubby who thankful works literally a minute away. He was here in no time....otw to the hospital we went.....the pains in my belly was almost unbearable....right along with the pain in my back..... we get to the hospital and i get sent to L&D; they check Baby which everything is perfect 😪 i was so worried my baby was in danger ....the whole time I’m laying in my bed the baby is bouncing off the walls and it’s making me laugh because i just felt like that was my baby way of reassuring me that they were okay. even the nurses laughed because my baby kept kicking the doppler 😂 . so after 4 bags of iv fluids and antibiotics , 4 hours in the hospital .....i was told i was extremely dehydrated.....and it’s was causing braxton hicks contractions.....never experienced anything like this before.....i’m just thankful that my baby is growing healthy and strong and that i’m okay also. I was told this could be one of many trips to the hospital before the real deal 🤦🏽‍♀️