Help!! I think I have Eczema 😭


So about 2 weeks ago I got this rash that itched like crazy on my thigh. This week these small little bumps start to pop up everywhere (besides my face, Thank God) thighs, underarms, boobs and under boobs and they are making me miserable 😩 I'm scratching like a crackhead or something all the time & everywhere I go. I googled it of course & allowed Google to diagnose me & eczema supposedly is a common pregnancy symptom outside of acne. I'm 22 weeks with a baby girl 💓 and I've never had problem skin, not even as a teenager..I'm 26 now & I feel like I have chicken pox although I never had chicken pox either. lol My bf brought me this TriDerma Eczema Fast Relief cream & it works but doesn't. It soothes it when I put it on, but within a couple hours I'm itching & scratching again. Now everywhere I scratch that is not covered, little bumps start to form. 😩 I go for my monthly check up Wednesday & I can't wait to tell my doc, but in the meantime has/is anyone else experiencing this? What product would you recommend if you have gone through it? A girl is about to go crazy 😤