Have you blacked out while pregnant?


I blacked out last night (not passed out completely which I've done numerous times in the past from pain or blood). I swallowed some air with my water and it hurt my throat. Next thing I know I'm getting that passing-out feeling where everything goes white & noisy. Soon after my husband is yelling at me "what's wrong! Tell me what happened?!" And all I could respond was "I don't know, I just spaced out for a second".. not realizing I blacked out. Then I realized what happened & it scared me. He said I was looking around, turned bright red and was holding my belly.

I looked it up and what happened is called Swallow Syncope. It's not that common but women pass out more when they're pregnant because of the restricted blood vessel thing.

I'm 20 weeks, have a history of passing out with pain but have never blacked out without actually passing out until last night.

I'm just curious if anyone else has experienced blacking out & what did you do?