7w 1d, Our First Ultrasound


On Oct 13th we went to our first ultrasound/OB appointment! We are pleased to say all is great! Heartbeat is 157 and strong! We feel so blessed. Our first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage and our second ended at 27 weeks when I developed severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome. My sweet girl was 1lb 11oz and 12in long at birth. She spent 83 days in the NICU so she could grow and her lungs mature. Today she’s a healthy on track 2 in half year old! In July we had a chemical pregnancy that was tough to handle. But now we’ve been so blessed to be pregnant again. Fear has turned into Faith and excitement! We are so happy!

How we told most friends and family:

She was a bit uncooperative so we compromised with a sucker! Lol

She’s still not impressed. Lol