birth story..40+2 SCARY


well I had my baby! on oct14 around 1 30am I headed to the hospital because I had horrible contractions. was sent home because I was only 1cm. Around 7 I went back because ccontractions were 3-4 minutes and had gotten more painful. I was still 1cm so they made me walk for 2 hours and still no dilation. went home again cuz I wasn't opening but around 630 pm the pain. was just too much decided to go back to the hospital but still only 1cm progress. the doctor then suggested inserting a " balloon" to see if it would speed the process. Agreed to it then I had this pain medication given to me...well as soon as it took effect my baby's heart beat dropped! nurse called for back up then in like 2 minutes I was headed for an emergency c-sectio. They couldnt find the heart beat and it was the most scariest situation ive ever had. everything happened so fast and all I knew before dosing off is that he heartbeat was not progressing. My baby was born Oct 15th 8lb 12oz and 21.25 inches. she's perfect but my god that was so scary!!!