A laugh for you girls... Waiting af story

Emma • So I've had 4pregnancies before... my first I miscarried 👼🏼 my eldest Nathan is 3, I then have a 2yr old Markus - who had vanishing twin syndrome and my youngest Seamus is 10months. I knew with my second I was pregnant as soon as I conceived, and had sig

So 4dpo my partner decided to have a little play with me

It gets really intense and im like

So i end up squirting...

He gives me this look like....

Then the words 'babe you're bleeding...😳🙈 queue the embarrassment!

I thought it was AF starting really early but then the next day comes and Nothing nada I'm as dry as the Sahara... 🤔

So fast forward to 7dpo and im nauseous but try to ignore it completely but inside I'm praying...

I'm now 8dpo and have been dizzy and so damn tired!! Had pizza for dinner and I ended up being sick... what a damn waste of pizza!!! 😭😭😭😷🤢😡

I go to have some cold pizza and my damn tooth falls out!!!

🤔😤😡😭😭😭 so here I am thinking why me wtaf the sickness best not be for nothing take a test and boom BFN...

So I'm now one unhappy girl with one BFN and one less tooth fuck life... not to mention the wasted damn pizza 🤣🤣🤣🙈🙊