๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜•What do i do??

My relationship seems like it is definitely failing...me and my husband will be married one year in February but we've been together for 6 years before we got married..we've had a very rocky relationship we always break up and get back together and now things are just so different if seen in his phone hes talked to other girls hes wantes to change his number 2 times, he leaves every Sunday faithfully to go with his "friend" and we can never do anything on fridays and Saturdays because he wants to sit and drink...on top of all that i have 2 kids a 7 year old and a almost 7week old daughter and he conveniently falls asleep or sleeps on the couch it like to avoid having sex...i have no idea what to do....the only place i have to go is to my moms but i have no job no car and no money