relationship help


Ladies I need help, I’m 15 and ive had a steady relationship for over a year, everything was great but it slowly got horrible, he cusses me, he yelled at me he doesn’t even give me respect,then blames me for everything he makes me feel bad, he threatened to break up with me because I wouldn’t give him sex or nudes etc. we’ve had a break once becausei was in the same situation I am now and well I came back because I loved him and because i got jealous because he was kissing another girl. I love him but all we do is argue and fight and I’ve started to think about myself with other guys, I’ve became distant with him. I really love him and I don’t wanna hurt him but I’m just not happy right now, id hate to leave because it’d kill me and make me really sad but I just don’t know what to do, do you have any advice?