Third trigger shot fail

Hey all,

I took the Ovidrel trigger shot on CD16 and it’s not CD22 and I still haven’t ovulated.

This is the third cycle that this has happened. I administer is properly and it just doesn’t work on me. WHY???

This cycle I did Puregon injectables and has multiple scans and appointments to check my follicle growth. It was all self funded as we don’t have private health insurance. I don’t mind having to pay, but when it doesn’t even work or give me a chance at TTC it’s absolutely heartbreaking. I’m really just starting to think it’s never going to happen.

I’ve invested everything into making this work and TTC and my body just isn’t responding. So many drugs, so many appointments, so much MONEY.

My RE is away for the rest of the week at a conference, so I can’t even ask any questions or find out what’s going on.


Loosing hope.