UPDATE! PSA! Don’t stick a dildo to your head! 😂

I know what you’re thinking... “why would you stick a dildo to your head??” Well yesterday during a long car ride home my husband and I stopped by and Adam & <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> store just for fun, my husband ended up buying me a dildo because he’s leaving for a while to due military orders.. so we’re in the car just looking at it and messing around, and for some reason I got the bright idea to stick it to my forehead. Big mistake! 😂😂 I took it off and I have the biggest hickey type thing! It’s so bad and makeup doesn’t cover it up!! We laughed so hard! But now I have to go to work with a giant circle on my forehead from a dildo! 😂

Mora of the story; don’t stick dildos to your forehead.

So I’m a terrible liar & I was freaking out about coming up with something to say when someone asked what happened. Surprisingly no one asked what happened! They did however give me funny looks and I could definitely tell they were starring at it but just didn’t say anything. 😂

It still looks terrible! This is a pic with makeup and a snap filter and you can still clearly see it. 😅😅 hopefully it goes away soon because every time I look in the mirror I get so mad at myself 😂😂😩 like what was I thinking?!? 😭😭