Five years ago, in August of 2012, I miscarried twins

Joanne • Angel, twin angels, with a forth, fifth and sixth angel. Rainbow boy came 7/2/20- #2 is on the way due 11/22/21
Five years ago, in August of 2012, I miscarried twins. February 2013 I miscarried again. Depressed and not grieving in a healthy way, I turned to alcohol. I wanted so badly to be dead, so I could be with my children. On April 8, 2016, I decided I wanted to find myself and quit drinking. After I had a year of sobriety, my husband and I decided we would try to get pregnant. We were unsuccessful for five months and decided to try ovulation strips, to make sure I was ovulating properly. We got pregnant the first month we used them. Now I am 4 weeks pregnant with our Rainbow baby. We are certainly hoping for a healthy pregnancy and a baby we can bring home.