Hopeless feeling.


I have been having a tough year. I lost my job due to an injury. I had to move back home with my son after I could no longer afford to live there. I lost my ability to pay for childcare and haven't been able to find a job that sustains my bills. I also suffered an early miscarriage on Semptember 21st. I have been trying to be optimistic and focused so I can get back on track but it feels like I'm constantly being criticized about what I'm doing wrong. My family tells me that my son is not my first priority and my boyfriend tries to be supportive but he's not perfect and we still have arguments (most of them dumb). I've began to feel hopeless. A lot like I did when I had a case of the baby blues after my first son was born. I don't feel like I can take care of him or myself and I just want to die. The only thing that stops that urge is that I don't want to leave my son behind. I love him far too much to leave him without a mother and seems selfish of me to give up when he needs me. I'm trying to adapt and adjust but I feel terrible.