In-laws Situation Help

Curious to see your opinion.

My in-laws live in another state and scheduled to fly out to us when our baby was due. They decided to book a 25 day visit. 3 days were before our due date and 22 days after our due date. At a rental, not our place. I was never asked about how long their visit would be by the way.

Our baby was suppose to be due 4 days ago but she is late. The in-laws have been here for a week and nothing has happened (babywise). On day 2 of their visit I took them out to breakfast while their son was at work. I have seen them one other time when they stopped by to hang out.

We are currently in this gray area of waiting for the baby to be born. I just want to be in bed and lazy until she arrives. I’m a first time mom and am anxious that at anytime these contractions could start. I don’t want to entertain anyone. Just want to rest and lay in bed.

Am I wrong for not seeing them more while there son is at work? I feel bad that they have been here a week and I’ve only seen them twice. But I feel like this is my time to do me and not entertain. Not to mention the baby will be induced in 2 days and they will still have 2 weeks with her before they fly back.

What would you do? What are your thoughts?

Thank you!