One of those depressing mornings...

I had a miscarriage earlier this year... it's indeed very sad. I've made a lot of effort to move on but to be honest it's extremely hard.

It's more depressing when you feel that you are on your own because it only meant something to you. Especially when it feels that it meant nothing to your husband.

It wasn't a planned pregnancy.

He did say try again next time.

I tried sharing with friends my feelings but it was hard because they don't feel the pain.

Every month I would see friend fall pregnant, give birth, walking through others pregnancy and hearing the joy while I just feel sad inside. I share my best friends journey listening how exciting it was having the ultrasound to see it was a boy etc....

My other best friend one the other hand is having difficulties and is trying <a href="">IVF</a>. Either way I don't want to give negative energy to them.

As days go by... u try to build yourself up. But you still can't stop to think what if... what will it be like now...

I talk to my husband about trying again... but you can see and feel his reluctance although he says sure.

It's just one of those depressing mornings ...