Ectopic and sex uh oh

A week ago I was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy at around 4 weeks. They gave me a shot of the methotrexate chemo drug and have been monitoring my hcg levels and will continue to do so until it’s at 2 or less. Right now it’s come down to around 120. I’ve had 3 ultrasounds and they haven’t seen any abdominal bleeding or indications of a rupture. They told me to avoid sex for a few more weeks but I didn’t really ask why but I’m assuming because it may cause a rupture still? Well today my boyfriend and I messed up and things got a lil out of control and we had sex. Now I’m having the worst anxiety and freaking out that I’m going to cause a rupture and end up needing surgery. What should I do? What can I do? Obviously absolutely no more sex for a few more weeks..but what if everything (as far as physically healing) was going okay and I just totally messed it up?! Help!