TTC baby #5

Jessica • #mommyto5boys #wife💍 #June2008💙 #May2010💙 #July2012💙 #July2014💙 #July2018💙 #february2020💗

I have 4 wonderful boys! Ages 9,7,5, and 3.

I got pregnant so easily the first 2 I wasn’t even trying

with the 5 year old I got pregnant the first cycle we tried

and with the last it took 4 months to conceive but I think that’s because I had the mirena and it took awhile after having it removed to get my body back in the swing of things. It actually finally happened when we stopped “trying”

Anyways I recently in July got my mirena removed again to try for our final baby!

I’ve been reading anything and everything about conceiving and taken ovulation tests and tracking in a fertility app obviously lol

so I have 27-29 day cycles usually always on time unless I’ve been pregnant well not this month !

I’m late and I’ve tested negative I’ve had a few shadows and faint lines but that’s my eyes playing tricks on me on the fact my husband can’t see anything lol

so I have increased cm that’s stretchy I have sore nipples and that’s about it!

Anyways I want a BFP and I’m done testing and I keep checking to see if af arrived but nope.

Anyone in this boat or have been in this situation and what was your outcome?

If I was pregnant I would have gotten a positive by now right?

I know I ovulated on cd13 and I’m 17dpo and no BFP 😩😩

I wish I’d just get af or a positive test but I’m trying not to stress and overthink it and just let things be what it is and have patience