Vitamin D3 supplement lightened my period!!


So I usually have an extremely heavy period, lasting about 8 days. Hormonal birth control gave me acne, so I couldn't keep using it to keep my period light. So I got a copper IUD in May, which made it even heavier! I was filling up a menstrual cup every 2 hours on my heaviest days!!!

About a month ago, I started taking 6000 IU of vitamin D3 (the one that comes from your skin getting exposure to the sun) daily and it cleared my skin, my digestion started working again (it was at a standstill), and I just found out this week that it lightened my period! It lasted for 4 days: a light day, just filling up my cup a little bit, two medium days where I emptied it several times, and a light day to end with. It was the most "normal" and hassle-free period I've had since using hormonal BC... (full disclosure: it hasn't helped with my painful cramps, but I also haven't exercised lately, and that seems to be the only thing that helps me)

Vitamin D3 is actually misnamed. It is a hormone that is vital for many bodily functions. You are at risk of having a Vitamin D3 deficiency if you spend a lot of time inside during the peak hours of the sun, or if you live somewhere with very little sunlight (further from the equator). If you have darker skin, you require much more sunlight to produce adequate Vitamin D3. It is not found in adequate amounts in food sources. The best ways to get to are from sunlight (UVB rays) and vitamin supplements.

If you have any health problems at all that doctors can't seem to figure out or don't believe you, PLEASE get tested for a Vitamin D3 deficiency. 70% of people have one.

Despite all my problems, the reason I asked for the test in the first place was because I felt tired a lot. My doctor said the symptoms for it are "not very specific", but low energy is one of them. She prescribed me 2000 IU daily but that was not enough. This summer, I was getting most of my vitamin D3 naturally (before I got a job) by laying out in the sun every day, but it was still nowhere near enough, as the proper dose that I now take has brought consistency to my period and other aspects of my health.

Check out the Vitamin D Council for more info. I hope this helps someone ❤️