TTC after Mirena


Hi 👋

I had a Mirena (well, 2 actually) for the past 7 years and had it removed on 9/18. My dr told me to expect a light period shortly after removal. In reality I had one or 2 days of very light spotting but nothing that even required a liner.

I thought "hey! Maybe my lining is so thin that was it, and now on to a new cycle." So I've been tracking with Glow but haven't been doing any OPK or BBT tracking.

Our plan was not to officially TTC until the new year and just give my body a little time to readjust. But we are also not, not trying either. If it happens - great.

Anyway, I am now 31 days since the removal and no period. I had some red spotting 16 days after removal and thought it was going to be a period. But it stopped after 1 day.

Even though we've had sex a number of times since removal I really don't think that I'm pregnant - I'm mostly confused on what I should expect from my cycle. Until I have a period I have no totem to reference.

I've had some cramping and a few days with loose stool but otherwise I feel normal. No sore boobs or nausea or any other pregnancy symptoms.

So should I (a) take a pregnancy test to be sure. (b) start using opk to identify when im ovulating or (c) just be patient we said we weren't even officially ttc yet...

Any thoughts or experiences?
