Hey group 👋🏻

Charley Knows • 24 and living without a thyroid 💪🏼

I need help...

I’ve been to my doctor but surprise surprise no help there. Some of you already know this but I have a serious problem of fluid gushing out of me. It is like I am peeing myself but it is definitely not urine as there’s no smell or colour. In fact sometimes it smells sweet. It’s happened 5 times over the past 2 weeks and I soak through my underwear, a pad and trousers. I don’t know what to do. All my internet searches hit a dead end and all my doctor did was test for BV.

I have read about cysts but I feel no pain when it happens. I have started to have bright pink blood in it but not an alarming amount.

I came here to see if anyone else has been through this, I’m struggling to go out because I’m worried it’s going to happen. But thank the lord for Black jeans 😂

Help me!!! 😭😭

Just to show the scale of it, my friend witnessed it happening, who has had babies, she said it was like my waters were breaking.