i think the hospital missed something..

Lexi • Wife💍Mama🩵 Birth Mother🤍

at 11pm i was admitted to L&D; for back pain on the left side that went from my hip to my ribs, accompanied with some abdominal cramping. they monitored me and told me that i had a “really bad” UTI, even though i had just finished taking antibiotics days before for it. undoubtedly it didn’t help and the UTI was way worse, she said my urine tested positive for something that rarely shows up in tests that proved it to be “really bad” (she told me the name but i can’t remember). I had this back pain for about 13-14 hours before i went in that was a 3.5/10 in pain. Within an hour of being there and being monitored, it went up to a 5/10, and then within the next 45 minutes to a 8/10. The nurse gave me a percaset around 1:00am (not sure how to spell it), prescribed me more of the same antibiotics, and then discharged me. The percaset brought it down to a 2/10 within an hour but never made it fully go away, and it also made me really tired so i went to sleep as soon as i got home around 2:30. It’s now 4:30am, i just woke up with the urge to vomit, chills, shaking, and INTENSE pain (8/10) in the same spot on my back, i can’t lay on my left side or it immediately intensifies to a 10/10 (it didn’t do this before) it hurts to move and stand, my abdomen keeps tightening because it hurts so bad. I’m pretty sure it’s gone to my kidney.. i have all the symptoms.. i don’t know how they could’ve missed it though.. BUT I don’t recall ever telling the nurse it is my upper back that is hurting and that’s a key symptom.. i asked the nurse while i was there for an IV antibiotic treatment because it’s gotten so much worse and she said i’d have to call my doctor tomorrow and ask for one.. should i go back in and ask for one now?? i have never felt this bad in my life.. also i’m 37+5 weeks pregnant..


i came back in and showed the nurse where i was hurting, she touched certain spots and asked if it hurt (oh boy it did), and said it’s most likely a kidney infection due to the antibiotics not killing off the UTI and it got worse. but they still have to test my urine to be sure

UPDATE 2** kidney infection confirmed😞 they are going to keep me admitted for a few days until the infection clears up.