Still Spotting in the 4th month of Nuvaring


This is my 4th type of birth control in the past 12 months! Sorry for the long back story but here goes: I switched originally because I was spotting on my first couple birth controls which were daily pills. I went to my gyno a month into my 3rd type of pill. I learned it takes 3 months for your body to adjust to new hormones, but I asked to try nuvaring because the thought of not having to take a pill everyday is amazing. On this 3rd type, I had side effects of weight gain, cramps, and a tearful bout of pms each month, but I adjusted and did not have spotting!!! This was huge! Because I had already switched my prescription to nuvaring, I went with it. I'm now in my 4th month and I'm still spotting 2 weeks out of the month then I get my period. BUT I feel fantastic, I'm less moody than I was without hormones, I have no cramps and the lightest period I've ever had. I really don't want to switch. Is it possible for me to stick with it and eventually not spot? I'm also wondering of alcohol can increase my spotting? Ive noticed when I drink more, the spotting is worse the next day.