TTC after miscarriage but husband watching porn?!


Ugh, this is such a frustrating situation to be in.

I had a miscarriage earlier this year, so we are trying again and have been since July.

My husband has been lazy and most of the time I feel like I’m forcing him to ttc with me as he is always “too tired” or just cant be bothered. He has said he still wants a baby so not sure why.

Then when I checked his computer history today he had been watching porn whilst I was in the shower!! Like WTF?! I can’t even bring it up as he’ll be pissed I checked up on him (he has done this before but we werent ttc then)

Why is he doing this?! He can basically have it on tap right now yet he chooses to pleasure himself and then won’t come near me tonight? Such a waste too haha

So cheesed off. Feel like crying. 😫😫😫😫